Heal the Earth!

”Trees are the poems the earth writes upon the sky”

This picture was taken when I was in Himachal Pradesh enjoying the warm sun in the land of snow. The air felt lighter, thinner and fresher there. Trees were in their healthiest shape & growth touching the sky. That’s Nature for you, always giving you the best. But what are we giving back to it?
Plastics, ciggerate buds, non- biodegradable litters, deforestation, pollution and what not.
A current report says that if we don’t take conservative steps now this world will become a suffocating place to live by 2050.
An year back I was myself oblivious to the suffering of Nature but things changed when I started studying about it. Everyday we see a post on Instagram about marine animals dying because of consuming plastics, environmental disaster, extinction of species, global warming effect which even we are experiencing on daily basis and the list goes on.
But what are we doing about it?
We forget to realize how our smallest of actions can affect Nature, the nature we have taken for granted.
But it’s time for us to take a stand for it, together. Imagine a world without animals, without trees, without flowers, without snowfall, without river, without anything that we see today. Yes we are moving there and as a responsible adult it’s time for us to take measures in that direction. We can’t stop everyone but we can stop ourselves. We can take responsibility for our actions, can’t we?

Avoid plastics as much as you can, plant as many tress as possible, raise awareness, start it from your family, friends. Teach them when they are wrong. Teach your younger siblings where our actions are heading to, be kind to animals. Stop people then and there when you see them harassing animals for fun. Buy biodegradable stuffs, let people know about it, post it even if it doesn’t make sense to someone, stop honking uselessly, avoid taking private vehicles & switch to public transportation whenever possible, stop wasting water, stop doing anything that might harm the environment.
Let’s be solid & responsible. Let’s bring a change. Let’s make this world a better place to live. Let’s make the nature bloom again.WhatsApp Image 2019-05-29 at 5.44.32 PM

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